Will IT products be more expensive?

IT equipment is getting more expensive in front of mobile phones and tablets. What’s going on, and is it likely to go down? Let’s SEE

Will IT products be more expensive?

Many people would feel the same. 

The price of IT products is rising steadily, but it’s not standard height. Significantly high Whether it’s a mobile phone or not, The latest that will shock everyone is the iPad Gen 10. IPAD GEN, available since GEN 7 8 9, is an entry-level iPad suitable for students. Regular prices start at 300+$  and above and reach Ipad gen 10 for 400+$. For the first dollar, this is no longer an entry-level model. What happened, and will the product continue to be priced like this? Is it true that the reason is more profound if you look at the world’s situation at that time?

First of all, the most crucial factor is a chipset problem. But as we all know, the essential electronic devices are chipsets and semiconductors, which is the problem here. Yes, there is no shortage of chipsets. There was a problem with the Chen effect.

Will IT products be more expensive?

1. The internal factor from the chipset manufacturer’s factory ill spend less around the world, and combined with the production capacity, it could not flow in the past, causing them to produce, as usual, decreasing. A little more than before, but when more people have to stay at home, it turns out that the need for more electronic devices, whether online learning or work from home or the failure of various entertainment in the house, turns out this factory What do you want? ! Some of them increase the price by 20 percent. The product will arrive in the hands of consumers like us, so it’s more expensive.

Second round. The factor comes from the war, like tech ware, which has been going on for a long time. America’s problem with China and the recent problem is Russia and Ukraine. Let’s take the tech ware problem first. The largest in the world takes more than 50% of the market share.

A company called Tsmc, Tsmc, is a Taiwanese company, and the problem here is that we usually think that the world’s most extensive production base is in China. Or what problem will it have? Taiwan already has a problem with China, and there is little disagreement, so the production base, the most extensive production base of TSMC, push to the United States.

The Americans try to block the country when there is a tech war problem. China does not allow American-made parts to be delivered to China. If the product is exported, it must be signed through the Ministry of Commerce first. Items that go to China are either rejected or not passed. So the stuff was confined to America. Not sent to China, which this mandatory affects not only China but also other countries worldwide.

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It affects productivity, which is essential as well, like apple devices. It can be seen that it is produced in China. When Chip is in America, the machine is in China, making the production more difficult to jam. Other brands from China that use the same chip site from TSMC have this problem. Maybe we will see the price of mobile phones and Chinese brands, and prices increase by —price. The product will arrive in the hands of consumers like us, so it’s more expensive.

The second factor comes from the war, like tech ware, which has been going on for a long time.

 Let’s take the tech ware problem first. America’s problem with China and the recent problem is Russia and Ukraine. The largest in the world takes more than 50% of the market share. A company called Tsmc, Tsmc, is a Taiwanese company, and the problem here is that we usually think that the world’s most extensive production base is in China. Or what problem will it have? Taiwan already has a problem with China, and there is little disagreement, so the production base, the most extensive production base of TSMC, push to the United States.

The Americans try to block the country when there is a tech war problem. China does not allow American-made parts to be delivered to China. If the product is exported, it must be signed through the Ministry of Commerce first. Items that go to China are either rejected or not passed. So the stuff was confined to America. Not being sent to China, which is mandatory, affects not only China but also other countries worldwide. It involves production, which is essential as well, like apple devices. It can be seen that it is produced in China. When Chip is in America, the machine is in China, making production more difficult.

These two are the necessary raw materials for chipset production, such as 70% of the neon gas comes from Ukraine, and many paradigms come from Russia. Therefore, they make the chipset less while the demand or demand or demand increases, so it is unbalanced and, therefore, more expensive. It’s not just tech ware, but there’s also a real war that is a recurring misfortune that will affect the world in a certain way.

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Industry around the world and sleeping as a hero was also hit.

And it was also a problem with the Russian-Ukrainian invasion problem as well, causing the world’s crude oil price to rise above 100 US dollars in 14 years if combined with The cost of gas is expensive, transporting everything is more expensive, not like we drive in various faces. ! The exchange rate in different countries where he was exhausted, the currency was weak worldwide. Hence, the product price was high + higher.

The latest iPad Gen 10 is a case that shows that the product price has increased since the beginning, and Cut the Dollar it’s more expensive. Still, all that said, it’s not surprising that why the cost of IT products that come to Gen Yasser, like us, is getting more expensive and then concludes that the price will go down soon or should we wait, will we decide to buy it now.

When it comes to the system of electronic products only, 

it’s just that there may be a tendency for companies to start adapting to cope better, having to be faster than the global economic situation; I feel like I don’t want to die in a position that I can’t control. Like this next, it should be able to produce my chips when it’s Tesla, Google, Amazon, and there is white. He encourages companies in the States to set up chip factories about the price. In China, it spent millions building a new chipset factory in Shanghai. 

During this time, it may be cheaper. 

You don’t have to pay. Now it’s expensive and will hurt, but the old equipment is no longer usable. It’s an upgrade to buy equipment at this price. ! Immediately; now you can wait.

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12 thoughts on “Will IT products be more expensive?”

  1. When the war in Ukrainian started, our first fear was its impact on food supply. But now it is obvious that its not going to affect food alone, but every other item. Prices have gone high and IT products are not exceptions. Couple with the tech ware between China and United States, it is obvious that prices will increase. Except their is a drastic change in policies, we are yet to see the worst 

    1. Thank you for the message Yes, everything has a higher price. And every change depends on IT. Because nowadays people have to rely on technology. For example, for food supply, we have to use rapid communication to get food or the recent contact of vaccines; we have to rely on technology. In the future, if more companies or IT owners have more options for consumers like us, the price will definitely go down. Next year we will have more communication options because Elon Mark and Space x network will make communications and equipment much cheaper.

  2. I live in Asia and I like Apple products. But I’ve always wondered why the US has its production machine in China when in fact they produce the chips. Perhaps because of the cheap labor. Would IT products such as iPhones and iPads cost more if they were manufactured in the US? 

    You’re right; the current cold war between China and the US is affecting the prices of tech products and it’s the consumers that are paying the price. One other thing, Huawei which is a signature phone of China has no access to Google and consequently, Google Play Store as a result of this war. 

    I believe IT products will continue to increase because more and more people now are working from home and are in need of these gadgets. This is why instead of buying a new iPad, I upgraded my desktop’s memory to SSID and this should be good enough. 

  3. I agree with everything that you write in this article, and I think that the prices of IT technology will go back down once the war in Ukraine has stopped. It is a global energy crisis now, especially where I live in Europe. And lots of plastic-making factories are having difficulties producing enough products, because there is hardly any demand for said products and it’s a domino effect. Let’s hope we will get peace again soon.

  4. Hey an interesting post you have here!

    I’m glad I weren’t the only thinking tech has gotten expensive over the years, now phone pricing have shot up. I remember when smart phones used to be starting at £500 and now they are at least £1000!

    Your information about the rise of IT products shows why this is the issue which sometimes people otherwise wouldn’t have thought about.

    Have a great day!

  5. When the war between Russia and the Ukraine started, we saw an increase in the price of many products, including tech products. Combine that with the hostilities between China and the USA with import tarrfis being increased and some products turned away, prices of tech products like laptops, tablets and mobile phones immediately increased. 

    One can only hope that this trend will not continue and that peace in the world will make tech items less expensive. 

  6. Everything you say in this article is correct, and I expect IT technology prices to decrease after the conflict in Ukraine ends. In my part of the world, Europe in particular, there is an energy problem. Furthermore, many plastics firms are struggling to meet demand because their output has been drastically reduced. Thank you for your article and I will dedefinitely sshare it.

    1. Thank you very much for the message. I’m also in Europe now and hope everything is sorted out, and things get back to normal soon.

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